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  • 哺乳动物的脂质滴是先天免疫枢纽

    发布时间:2021年02月21日 09:02:18 来源:振东健康网




    本文作者:Marta Bosch, Miguel Sánchez-Álvarez, Alba Fajardo, Ronan Kapetanovic, Bernhard Steiner,Filipe Dutra, Luciana Moreira, Juan Antonio López, Rocío Campo, Montserrat Marí,Frederic Morales-Paytuví, Olivia Tort, Albert Gubern, Rachel M. Templin, James E. B. Curson,Nick Martel, Cristina Català, Francisco Lozano, Francesc Tebar, Carlos Enrich,Jesús Vázquez, Miguel A. Del Pozo, Matthew J. Sweet, Patricia T. Bozza,Steven P. Gross, Robert G. Parton, Albert Pol





    相比之下,PLIN2是LPS-LDs上上调最多的PLIN。基因相互作用分析表明,多种免疫蛋白对脂多糖作出反应,从而在PLIN2周围成核。LPS-LDs对几种干扰素诱导的蛋白产生刺激,如viperin, IGTP, IIGP1, TGTP1, 和 IFI47。进一步来说,LPS-LDs也导致了金环蛇抗菌肽(CAMP)的积聚。这是一种具有趋化特性的抗菌肽。如果细胞过量表达了与脂质滴相关的CAMP,则对不同细菌具有更高的抵抗力。这些细菌包括大肠杆菌,耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌和单核细胞增生李斯特菌。









    使用饲喂小鼠的脂质滴蛋白,通过悬浊液培养,研究证实了LPS-LDs蛋白的较强抗菌能力。为了确定脂质滴的抗菌活性,研究使用盲肠结扎穿孔术(CLP)获取小鼠肝脏脂质滴,并据此建立了多菌败血症模型。与CTL-LDs相比,CLP-LDs蛋白具有更强的抗菌能力。因此,研究表明哺乳动物Lan LDs具有蛋白质介导的抗菌能力,且该能力与感染相关。接下来,我们分析了脂质滴是否能减少人单核细胞衍生巨噬细胞(HMDM)中细菌的生长,HMDM来自健康捐献者。油酸是一种能够有效酯化为脂质滴的脂肪酸。在HMDM中,使用油酸孵育加快了脂质滴的积累。未经处理的、载有脂质滴的HMDM被非致病性大肠杆菌感染,或被专门的巨噬细胞内病原体,鼠伤寒沙门菌感染。HMDM通过增加脂质滴数量来应对感染(图1H)。在载有脂质滴的HMDM中,大肠杆菌的存活率(图1I)降低,但吞噬能力未降低。








    Mammalian lipid droplets are innate immune hubs integrating cell metabolism and host defense

    【摘要】Introduction: In all eukaryotic cells, lipid droplets (LDs) store and supply essential lipids to produce signaling molecules, membrane building blocks, and metabolic energy. The LD monolayer also accommodates proteins not obviously related to lipids, such as transcription factors, chromatin components, and toxic proteins.Common parasites (such as trypanosomes and Plasmodium falciparum), bacteria (such as mycobacteria and Chlamydia), and viruses (such as hepatitis C and dengue) induce and target LDs during their life cycles. The current view is that LDs support infection, providing microorganisms with substrates for effective growth.

    Rationle: Successful innate defense is critical for survival, and host species have efficiently coevolved with pathogens to develop a plethora of immune responses. Multiple cues, including cellular stress and danger-associated molecular patterns such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), induce LD formation. Thus, LD localization and dynamics may potentially be advantageous for organizing an intracellular host defense. We have investigated the possibility that mammalian LDs have a direct and regulated role in innate immunity.

    Results: We show that mammalian LDs are endowed with a protein-mediated antimicrobial capacity, which is up-regulated during polymicrobial sepsis and by LPS. Light and electron microscopy demonstrated specific association of LDs and bacteria in human macrophages, suggesting the existence of docking mechanisms that facilitate the engagement of antibacterial LD proteins with bacteria. A comparative mass spectrometry profiling of proteins differentially associated with LDs in response to LPS (LPS-LDs) revealed the profound remodeling of the organelle proteome.

    A stringent evaluation identified 689 proteins differentially regulated on LPS-LDs (317 enriched and 372 reduced). Ingenuity Pathway Analysis revealed an enrichment of innate immune system–related components and reduction of metabolism-related LD-resident proteins. Additional analyses suggested that LDs serve as innate immune hubs, integrating major intra- and extracellular immune responses. 

    Among the five members of the perilipin family of LD surface proteins (PLINs), PLIN5 was the only one down-regulated on LPS-LDs. PLIN5 reduction promoted physical and functional disconnection of LPS-LDs and mitochondria, with a concomitant reduction of oxidative metabolism and ketogenesis. Forced PLIN5 reexpression increased the number of LD-mitochondria contacts, reducing LD-bacteria interactions and compromising the antimicrobial capacity of cells.

    By contrast, PLIN2 was the most up-regulated PLIN on LPS-LDs. Gene interaction analysis revealed that multiple immune proteins nucleated around PLIN2 in response to LPS. LPS-LDs accrued several interferon-inducible proteins such as viperin, IGTP, IIGP1, TGTP1, and IFI47. Furthermore, LPS-LDs also accumulated cathelicidin (CAMP), a broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide with chemotactic properties. Cells overexpressing a LD-associated CAMP were more resistant to different bacterial species, including Escherichia coli, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes.

    Conclusion: These results demonstrate that LDs form a first-line intracellular defense. They act as a molecular switch in innate immunity, responding to danger signals by both reprogramming cell metabolism and eliciting protein-mediated antimicrobial mechanisms. Mechanisms of LD trafficking and docking with phagocytic and parasitophorous membranes, observed here and described for several pathogens, may facilitate the delivery of immune proteins located on the LD surface. Intracellular LDs can provide infected cells with several biological benefits, serving as a location to attract pathogens as well as coordinating different immune systems that operate simultaneously against different classes of pathogens. LDs may also sequester cytotoxic compounds (such as antimicrobial peptides), reducing damage to other cellular organelles. In view of the widespread resistance to current antibiotics, this study helps decipher molecular mechanisms involved in antimicrobial defense that could be exploited for development of new anti-infective agents.


    Lipid droplets (LDs) are the major lipid storage organelles of eukaryotic cells. Common parasites (such as trypanosomes and Plasmodium falciparum), bacteria (such as mycobacteria and Chlamydia), and viruses [such as hepatitis C (HCV) and dengue (DENV)] induce and target LDs during their life cycles. The current view is that LDs support infection, providing invaders with substrates for survival and/or growth. 

    However, successful innate defense is critical for survival, and host immune responses have coevolved with pathogens, developing a plethora of defense mechanisms. There is some limited evidence that LDs actively participate in innate defense. For example, three innate immune system–related proteins localize to the LDs of infected cells: (i) viperin, which is active against two viruses assembled on LDs (HCV and DENV); (ii) interferon-g (IFN-g)–inducible guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase)(IGTP), which is required for resistance to Toxoplasma gond(ii); and (iii) histones on LDs, which increase the survival of bacterially challenged Drosophila embryos. We analyzed whether mammalian LDs have a direct or regulated role in immune defense.

    Because all eukaryotic cells accumulate LDs, this innate defense mechanism may be ubiquitous and therefore serve as a suitable target for therapeutic intervention.


    Mammalian LDs display regulated protein-mediated antibacterial activity. We selected hepatic LDs as a proof of concept that mammalian LDs participate in innate immunity. The liver modulates the systemic immune response, and hepatic LDs are targeted by LD-related pathogens. We tested the antibacterial capacity of hepatic LD proteins in a bacterial killing assay of Escherichia coli, an abundant component of the intestinal microbiota and cause of serious clinical infections. 

    First, we injected mice with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), an activator of innate immunity. Because LPS-treated animals (LPS-mice) reduce food intake, LPS-mice were additionally fasted and compared with mice injected with saline buffer and identically fasted (CTL-mice).

     Both treatments promoted similar hepatic triglyceride levels (Fig. 1, A, B, and C), although morphological differences between LDs were evident from transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The number of LDs in LPS-treated livers (LPS-LDs) was higher than in those of fasted animals (CTL-LDs), although LPS-LDs were smaller (Fig. 1, D and E). CTL- and LPSLDs were purified (Fig. 1F), and LD proteins were incubated with E. coli. Bacterial viability was estimated from the resulting colony-forming units (CFUs). LD proteins reduced bacterial growth, and   LPS-LD proteins demonstrated enhanced antibacterial capacity (Fig. 1G). This enhancement was confirmed in suspension cultures and by use of LD proteins from fed mice. 

    To determine LD antibacterial activity during an actual infection, mouse liver LDs were obtained after cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), a model of polymicrobial sepsis. CLP-LD proteins exhibited enhanced antibacterial capacity when compared with CTL-LDs. LPS and CLP-LD proteins reduced bacterial growth even after a shorter incubation time. Bacterial growth was unaffected by oleic acid (OA), the major fatty acid component of hepatic LDs, or by cytosolic proteins from CTLand LPS-livers. Thus, mammalian LDs have a protein-mediated antibacterial capacity, which is regulated by infection. 

    Next, we analyzed whether LDs reduce bacterial growth in human monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDMs) from healthy donors. In HMDMs, LD accumulation was promoted by incubation with OA, a fatty acid efficiently esterified into LDs. Untreated and LD-loaded HMDMs were infected with either nonpathogenic E. coli or the professional intramacrophage pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (Salm). HMDMs responded to infection by increasing LD numbers (Fig. 1H). E. coli survival (Fig. 1I), but not phagocytic capacity (Fig. 1K), was reduced in LD-loaded HMDMs. 

    By contrast, LDs did not reduce Salm survival (Fig. 1J), which is in keeping with this pathogen’s ability to avoid antimicrobial responses. In E. coli–infected macrophages, LDs were often in the proximity of bacteria (Fig. 1, M to Q). Comparative analyses demonstrated that LDs were closer to and more frequently established longer contacts with E. coli than with Salm (Fig. 1L). These LD–E. coli contact sites increased in loaded HMDMs. 

    TEM analysis revealed that in LD–E. coli contact sites, the LD monolayer (containing LD proteins) produced an apparent discontinuity in the bacterial vacuolar membrane and probably interacted with the bacterial periplasm (Fig. 1, O to Q). Thus, LD-loaded macrophages display enhanced antibacterial capacity, which suggests the existence of docking mechanisms that enable or facilitate the engagement of antibacterial LD proteins with bacteria. 


    Pathogens require host-derived lipids to support their life cycles, with LDs providing a source of these lipids. As a result, LDs also have the potential to deliver effective host defenses against intracellular pathogens. We show that at least 30% of the LD proteome is LPSsensitive, suggesting that innate immunity has developed a host defense program that includes extensive LD remodeling. Our analyses demonstrate that complex clusters of immunityrelated proteins organize on LDs of infected cells. In addition to previously described LDresident immune proteins, such as viperin and IGTP, we have identified IIGP1, TGTP1, and IFI47. Our analysis also identified CAMP as a professional antibacterial protein efficiently functioning on LDs. These proteins may act individually, in a coordinated manner, and/or synergistically to kill pathogens. 

    Mechanisms of LD trafficking and docking with phagocytic and parasitophorous membranes, observed here and described for several pathogens, may facilitate the delivery of immune proteins located on the LD surface. Accumulation on LDs may provide stability to these proteins and may restrict these potentially cytotoxic peptides to LDs, preventing indiscriminate cellular damage. In this respect, we have shown that LPS triggers physical separation of LDs and mitochondria, at least partly because of reduced PLIN5 levels on LPSLDs. Uncoupling likely reflects both a selfprotection program (to avoid mitochondrial damage, in view of their prokaryotic evolutionary origin) and a means to maximize or increase the number of LDs available to interact with bacteria. Simultaneously, the reduced LD-mitochondria interaction may lead to distinctive immunometabolic features: (i) the accumulation of host LDs, resulting from reduced mitochondria-mediated LD consumption; (ii) reduced OXPHOS displayed by infected cells, owing to decreased fatty acid oxidation; and (iii) the low rates of ketogenesis displayed by infected animals. 

    These studies highlight that mammalian LDs constitute an intracellular first line of defense. LDs actively participate in at least two levels of the innate immune response, accumulating and using antibacterial proteins as well as regulating immune cell metabolism. Because widespread resistance to current antibiotics is common among pathogens, understanding the cellular mechanisms that elicit LD-mediated defense may inform future strategies for the development of anti-infective therapies .

