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  • 多学科团队直播:医源性主动脉冠状动脉夹层的管理

    发布时间:2021年02月26日 08:36:58 来源:振东健康网







    图注:(A)基线诊断性血管造影显示病变前的牧羊杖弯曲(白色箭头)。(B)最初的衔接和测试注射产生了主动脉冠状动脉夹层(橙色箭头)。(C)非选择性血管造影显示,该切口低于右冠状动脉口,但最初保持血管向下流动。(D)切口放大图像显示,有假内腔(黄色箭头)和真内腔(蓝色箭头)。(E)将一根导引导丝(Balance Middle Weight Universal wire,Abbott Vascular,加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉)放入假内腔作为标记(紫色箭头),然后将一根金属丝(Sion Blue,Asahi Intecc,东京,日本)穿入右侧冠状动脉远端,以使病变部位扩张。(F)选择一个药物洗脱支架(Xience Sierra,Abbott Vascular)(绿色箭头)以覆盖病变并封闭剥离瓣。(G)和(H)在扩张后心肌梗塞溶栓治疗之后,右侧冠状动脉恢复了第3级血流,且症状、电生理和血流动力学得到改善。




    使用6-F鞘管从右侧桡动脉进入。根据近端 RCA的曲折度,选择了Amplatz左0.75导尿管,以确保良好的被动导尿管支持。尽管接合没有特别困难,但最初的测试注射显示导管引起的主动脉切开,恰好在RCA口下方(图1B)。非选择性进样显示了切开后RCA中的残留流量(图1C和1D)。




    Iatrogenic Aortocoronary Dissection During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Investigation and Management

    1. Abstract

    We present a case of iatrogenic aortocoronary dissection sustained during routine percutaneous coronary intervention for stable angina. Careful wiring of the true lumen and stent implantation to seal off the dissection flap prevented immediate complications, and computed tomography aortography guided a conservative approach to manage the residual aortic dissection. (Level of Difficulty: Intermediate.)

    2. Introduction

    A 78-year-old man, previously fit and well, presented with exertional chest pain consistent with stable angina. He was treated with optimal medical therapy including aspirin, atorvastatin, bisoprolol, and isosorbide mononitrate, but his symptoms persisted, and he underwent diagnostic angiography at another center. His past medical history consisted of hypertension with no other risk factors for coronary artery disease. Diagnostic angiography demonstrated severe stenosis in the dominant, proximal right coronary artery (RCA) beyond a “shepherd’s crook”–type take-off and a proximal course (Figure 1A). Transthoracic echocardiography at another center showed a structurally normal heart. Given his ongoing symptoms and severe stenosis on diagnostic angiography, he chose elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to the RCA.

    Angiographic Images of Dissection and Subsequent PCI

    (A) The baseline diagnostic angiogram demonstrates shepherd’s crook anatomy before the lesion (white arrow). (B) Initial engagement and test injection produced an aortocoronary dissection (orange arrow). (C) Nonselective angiography showed that the dissection was inferior to the right coronary artery ostium, but initially flow down the vessel was maintained. (D) An enlarged image of the dissected ostium is shown with the false lumen (yellow arrow) and the true lumen (blue arrow). (E) A Balance Middle Weight Universal wire (Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, California) was placed in the false lumen as a marker (purple arrow), and a Sion Blue (Asahi Intecc, Tokyo, Japan) wire was passed to the distal right coronary artery to allow ballooning of the lesion. (F) An Xience Sierra drug-eluting stent (Abbott Vascular) (green arrow) was selected to cover the lesion and also to seal the dissection flap. (G) and (H) After post-dilation Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction flow grade 3 was restored in the right coronary artery, with symptomatic, electrical, and hemodynamic improvement. PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention.

    There are numerous approaches to treating this lesion. A previous diagnostic angiogram had already demonstrated a shepherd’s crook tortuosity in the proximal RCA with severe intimal calcification. This finding suggested that delivery of balloons and stents would be more challenging. Anticipating this situation, an Amplatz (Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota) left 0.75 guide catheter was selected because it provides better passive support than a Judkins (Medtronic) right 4.0 catheter, which was the standard RCA guide catheter at Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Alternative strategies included using a less supportive guide, but with the use of buddy wire support, or guide catheter extension to deliver equipment.

    Access was obtained from the right radial artery with a 6-F sheath. An Amplatz left 0.75 guide catheter was selected on the basis of the tortuosity of the proximal RCA, to ensure good passive guide support. Although there was no particular difficulty in engagement, the initial test injection demonstrated catheter-induced dissection of the aorta, just below the RCA ostium (Figure 1B). A nonselective injection demonstrated residual flow in the dissected RCA (Figures 1C and 1D).

    3. Conclusions

    Guide catheter–induced aortocoronary dissection is a recognized complication of PCI, and operators should remain vigilant in patients with risk factors. Iatrogenic coronary dissection should usually be managed by immediate stent implantation when possible, and cross-sectional imaging is essential to decide whether cardiac surgery or a conservative strategy is most appropriate for the ascending aorta.

