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  • 病例:同时患有三种前列腺疾病,怎么诊疗?

    发布时间:2021年04月14日 08:44:53 来源:振东健康网




    本报告在2021年4月最新的医学学术期刊《泌尿病例报告》(Urology Case Reports)首次刊发,报告关注了一位同时患有黄色肉芽肿性前列腺炎,前列腺癌和前列腺脓肿的患者,介绍了诊疗过程。





    该疾病的组织学特征是巨噬细胞充满脂质,称为“泡沫组织细胞”,有巨细胞、淋巴细胞、纤维素增生。免疫组织化学检查结果显示CD68(+)、PSA(-)。CD68(+)对于描述与疾病相关的黄色瘤十分重要。当与XGP结合时,前列腺通常会肿大,质量范围通常在50-60g内。当前的PSA是不断变化的,变化范围为0.5到172 ng / dL。在PSA明显升高> 150 ng / dL的患者中,PSA的水平在手术治疗后4个月开始下降,在切除后17个月降至6 ng / dL。

    一位65岁的男子最近被诊断出患有2型糖尿病,该患者被感染的左肩关节呈现金黄色葡萄球菌(MSSA)菌血症,对甲氧西林敏感。患者陈述患有糖尿病性酮症酸中毒,多脓毒性空化肺栓塞和多器官衰竭。患者尿液培养对MSSA呈阳性。腹部和骨盆的CT显示,在AP平面上有一个2.6×2.6 cm的偏心小叶直肠肿块。在进行柔性乙状结肠镜检查和可疑直肠肿块活检时,咨询了肠胃科。在内镜检查过程中,发现直肠附近有一个外部肿块(图1A),并进行了活检。活检证实直肠增生粘膜。在内镜超声检查中,发现有一个 3.7×3.0 cm的病灶,其起源似乎是前列腺(图1B)。由于担心癌症播种,医师决定不进一步对肿块进行活检。

    图1. A.乙状结肠镜检查显示,有覆盖直肠粘膜的外部肿块。 B.内窥镜超声检查显示,有固体和液体成分的前列腺组织




    图2. A.泡沫组织细胞的组织病理学特征表明有XGP。B.组织病理学表现出格里森3+4=7前列腺腺癌








    An improbable trifecta: Occurrence of xanthogranulomatous prostatitis, prostate cancer, and prostatic abscess in a single patient


    Xanthogranulomatous prostatitis (XGP) is a rare disease that can mimic the clinical and imaging findings of prostate cancer. Differentiation of these diseases is vital in order to offer the correct treatment. Histological examination of prostate tissue is the definitive manner in which XGP is distinguished from prostate cancer. This case demonstrates the rare possibility of concurrent findings of prostate abscess, prostate cancer, and XGP, further clouding diagnostic assessment. Percutaneous aspiration and antibiotic treatment of the abscess reduced lower urinary tract symptoms and eliminated XGP on subsequent prostate biopsy. Careful work up is necessary to prevent unnecessary interventions or missed diagnoses.


    Xanthogranulomatous prostatitis (XGP) is a rare histological diagnosis comprised of prostate tissue that contains xanthomas, or cholesterol laden histiocytes, along with idiopathic granulomatous prostatitis. There are currently fewer than 20 reported cases in the literature. Common clinical manifestations of the disease include lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), pelvic pain, and palpable nodule on exam, with a diagnosis typically in the 6th decade of life. It has also been associated with prostatic abscess at the time of transurethral resection of the prostate.

    The disease has histologically been characterized by lipid-laden macrophages, or “foamy histiocytes,” with giant cells, lymphocytes, and fibroplasia. Characterization of the disease via immunohistochemistry shows CD68 (+) and PSA (−). CD68 (+) is important for describing the xanthomas associated with the disease. The prostate is often enlarged when associated with XGP, typically with a mass in the range of 50–60g. The presenting PSA is variable, ranging from 0.5 to 172 ng/dL. In those with significant elevations in PSA >150 ng/dL, decline in the PSA levels began 4 months after surgical treatment and decreased to 6 ng/dL 17 months after resection. 

    3、Case presentation

    We present an interesting case of a 65 year old man with recently diagnosed diabetes mellitus type 2 who presented with Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) bacteremia from an infected left shoulder joint. At presentation, he suffered from diabetic ketoacidosis, multiple septic cavitary pulmonary emboli, and multiorgan failure. His urine culture was positive for MSSA. CT of the abdomen and pelvis demonstrated an eccentric lobular rectal mass measuring 2.6 ×2.6 cm in AP plane. Gastroenterology was consulted for flexible sigmoidoscopy and biopsy of the suspected rectal mass. During endoscopy, they noted an external mass adjacent to the rectum (Fig. 1A), which was biopsied. This biopsy demonstrated hyperplastic rectal mucosa. On endoscopic ultrasound, they noted a 3.7 × 3.0 cm lesion that appeared prostatic in origin (Fig. 1B). Due to concern for cancer seeding, they elected not to further biopsy the mass.

    Fig. 1. A. Sigmoidoscopy showing an external mass with normal overlying rectal mucosa. B. Endoscopic ultrasound demonstrating a prostate mass with solid and liquid components. 

    Upon urologic evaluation, the patient reported baseline LUTS including nocturia, as well as weak stream, hesitancy, and incomplete emptying. His PSA was 1.23 ng/mL. Other urologic history included a previous spontaneous passage of a renal stone. He had no personal or family history of kidney, prostate, or bladder cancer. On exam, his prostate was non-tender, estimated at 40g, and demonstrated a palpable left sided nodule.

    After the patient had clinically stabilized and had been on antibiotics for several days, the patient was offered a prostate biopsy. On transrectal ultrasound of the prostate there was a hypoechoic area consistent with abscess fluid. An 18 gauge spinal needle was used to drain seropurulent fluid which was sent for culture. Biopsies were taken including the standard 12 core biopsy and 3 cores of the suspicious nodule.

    Pathology from the prostate biopsy demonstrated xanthogranulom atous prostatitis in several cores, as well as Gleason 3 + 4 = 7 prostate adenocarcinoma in 5% of a single core (Fig. 2A and B). Prostatic fluid culture from the abscess was consistent with Staphylococcus aureus, which was subsequently treated with Daptomycin.

    Fig. 2. A. Histopathology showing foamy histiocytes demonstrating XGP.B. Histopathology showing Gleason 3 +4 =7 adenocarcinoma  of the prostate

    The patient’s symptoms, including dysuria, had improved. He elected for active surveillance of his favorable intermediate risk prostate cancer. Approximately 8 months after the original hospitalization a repeat prostate biopsy demonstrated benign prostatic tissue in the standard twelve cores and four extra biopsies taken in the previous area of cancer.


    To our knowledge, this is the first case report that demonstrates concomitant XGP, prostate abscess, and prostate cancer in the same patient. Xanthogranulomatous disease is most commonly recognized in the kidney, but has been observed in rarer cases in the gallbladder and prostate. In XGP, varying LUTS have been reported. On exam, a prostatic nodule is commonly palpated. As in the kidney, imaging may be deceptive and non-specific for xanthogranulomatous disease in the prostate. While the patient in our case had a normal PSA level, prior case reports have highlighted elevated levels, mimicking possible prostate cancer and further clouding the initial diagnosis.

    Even more uncommon is the concurrent presentation of a prostate abscess in the setting of XGP, with as few as five cases documented in the literature prior to this. Our case highlights the possibility of XGP diagnosed in the setting of prostate cancer and prostate abscess, which further complicates the diagnosis. Therefore, this case stresses the need to pay close attention to the histopathology and any other concurrent disease, such as prostate abscess, in order to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment. Conservative treatment with antibiotics and drainage, as in this example, successfully treated the abscess and XGP on subsequent biopsy. While the clinical presentation can be confused with prostatic adenocarcinoma, the two diagnoses can also co-exist.


    XGP is a rare diagnosis that can be associated with prostate abscess. XGP has been known to mimic prostate cancer on imaging and in clinical presentation. We present a very rare case of a patient with normal PSA who was found to have XGP, prostate abscess, and prostate cancer. The patient was successfully treated with aspiration drainage, antibiotics, and was placed on active surveillance.

