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  • 《自然》:刺突蛋白变异让冠状病毒更具传染性

    发布时间:2021年07月26日 09:03:44 来源:振东健康网


    资讯作者:Duke University Medical Center 






    杜克人类疫苗研究所结构生物学部的主任、资深作者Priyamvada Acharya博士说:“病毒表面的刺突帮助SARS-CoV-2侵入宿主的细胞。”

    “刺突蛋白的变化决定了病毒的传播能力,包括传播的程度和速度,” Acharya说,“世界范围内出现了几种变异SARS-CoV-2刺突,它们出现的时间不同,地点也不同,但它们的结果类似。在我们抗击病毒大流行中,了解这些刺突的变异机制很重要。”

     Acharya及其同事(包括第一作者Sophie Gobeil博士和通讯作者Rory Henderson博士)开发了结构模型来识别病毒刺突蛋白的变化。冷冻电子显微镜能够让原子水平可视化,当结合分析实验时能够让团队创造活病毒的模拟物,这与它在宿主细胞中的功能直接相关。该团队使用计算分析建立了模型,显示了结构机制的作用。





    Study Reveals Mechanisms of Increased Infectivity and Antibody Resistance of SARS-CoV-2 Variants

    Combining structural biology and computation, a Duke-led team of researchers has identified how multiple mutations on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein independently create variants that are more transmissible and potentially resistant to antibodies.

    By acquiring mutations on the spike protein, other variants independently developed spike mutations that enhanced their ability to spread rapidly in human populations and resist some antibodies. The researchers have published their findings in Science.

    "The spike on the surface of the virus helps SARS-CoV-2 enter into host cells," said senior author Priyamvada Acharya, Ph.D., director of the Division of Structural Biology at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute.

    "Changes on the spike protein determine transmissibility of the virus—how far and quickly it spreads," Acharya said. "Some variations of the SARS-CoV-2 spike are occurring at different times and different places throughout the world, but have similar results, and it's important to understand the mechanics of these spike mutations as we work to fight this pandemic."

    Acharya and colleagues—including first author Sophie Gobeil, Ph.D, and co-corresponding author Rory Henderson, Ph.D.—developed structural models to identify changes in the virus's spike protein. Cryo-electron microscopy allowed atomic level visualization, while binding assays enabled the team to create mimics of the live virus that directly correlated with its function in host cells. From there, the team used computational analysis to build models that showed the structural mechanisms at work.

    "By building a skeleton of the spike, we could see how the spike is moving, and how this movement changes with mutations," Henderson said. "The different variant spikes are not moving the same way, but they accomplish the same task. The variants first appearing in South Africa and Brazil use one mechanism, while the UK and the mink variants use another mechanism."

    All the variants showed increased ability to bind to the host, notably via the ACE2 receptor. The changes also created viruses that were less susceptible to antibodies, raising concerns that continued accumulation of spike mutations may reduce the efficiency of current vaccines.

    Gobeil said the research illuminated the complexity of the virus. "It's amazing how many different ways the virus comes up with to be more infectious and invasive," she said. "Nature is clever."


    Effect of natural mutations of SARS-CoV-2 on spike structure, conformation, and antigenicity, Science (2021).

